Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus management requires fundamental re-programming of the brain’s response to a sensory perception. Use of Sound therapy including different types of noises (Narrow band Noise, White Noise, Pink Noise and Brown Noise) are the most popular treatment options available in this era. Management of tinnitus is based upon Residual Inhibition. Apart from Tinnitus management; counselling also plays an important role in the management of Tinnitus. Tinnitus management includes biofeedback, electrical stimulation, relaxation therapy, counselling, habituation therapy, tinnitus maskers and hearing aids with tinnitus maskers.

Counselling about Tinnitus

Knowledge is power! In many patients, simply ruling out underlying medical cause and understanding how brain works in response to sensory input is sufficient to mediate the problems. We spend time with each patient, helping them to understand nature of tinnitus, factors that impacts sound perception and strategies for reducing the annoyance and perception of symptoms.