Speech Audiometry

Speech is used as the stimulus to get information about ability to hear and understand speech. In this a speech material comprising of Low and High Pitch sounds, Voiced and Unvoiced sounds are incorporated to get the best results about hearing of an individual. This test results can help in correlating results of Pure tone audiometry example- if loss is in high pitch sounds, the high pitch sounds while speech audiometry could not be heard or may be misinterpreted.

Speech Tests

SAT (Speech Awareness Threshold) / SDT (Speech Detection Threshold)
This is the minimum level of speech a person can detect in decibel (dB)

SRT (Speech Reception Threshold)
This test is done using Spondee Word list presentation and the level at which listener repeats Spondee word list minimum 50% of the time.

SDS (Speech Discrimination Score) / WRS (Word Recognition Score)
This test is done using PB words and results are calculated in percentage

MCL (Most Comfortable Loudness Level)
This is the level at which listener feels the sound comfortably loud without any discomfort

UCL (Uncomfortable Loudness Level)
This is the level at which listener feels the sound uncomfortable because of its loudness.