Pure Tone Audiometry

Audiometry is a Gold standard test for Detection & Identification of Hearing Loss (Type and Degree of Hearing Loss). PTA is a clinical Procedure for measurement of Hearing Ability in the form of a Graph (known as Audiogram) with Standardized Symbols depicting Right ear and Left ear Thresholds across Different Frequencies representing our hearing ability from Low Pitch (Frequency) to High Pitch (Frequency) Sounds. It employs Pure Tones which are Specific and Single Frequency Tone. Due to which this test gained its name as Pure Tone Audiometry.
Pure tone Audiometry is a subjective test and the test procedure must be conducted in a Sound proof or sound treated Room because test results can be affected due to Noise. PTA requires Two- Room Setup for test administration. One for the Tester and other sound Proof or sound treated room where patients sits and performs the test as instructed by an Qualified and Registered Audiologist.
Pure Tone Audiometry required checking hearing ability, effect on hearing due to various pathologies, effect of medicines (ototoxic) that impacts hearing, monitor gradual or progressive hearing loss, impact of loud noises on workers working with Noisy machinery in day to day life, impact of degenerative changes on hearing, assessment of false hearing loss (Functional Hearing loss)