Eustachian Tube Function Test

Otoacoustic Emissions or OAEs are resulted because of the movement in the cochlear hair cells and are very soft in nature. A Normal or Healthy Middle Ear (Free from any anomalies) is must for recording of OAEs. Presence of OAE means a Healthy Cochlear Function.

In general we use Two Types of OAEs in the Clinical Settings

1. Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) are generated by the Outer Hair cells of Cochlea in a response to a brief or transient acoustic click sound. TEOAEs are most indicated in the Pediatric Population (New Born or Child).

2. Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) are the result of Distortion Product aroused because of two Pure tone Sound stimuli which are of two different frequencies interacted in the Cochlea at Outer Hair Cell Level.

Hearing Loss is increasing now a day and can occur at any age and there is a need for the technologies which can increase the diagnosis at early age. OAE is very helpful in diagnosing Hearing loss at the very early age and is very important tool in New Born Hearing Screening, Screening Premature or Full term baby, in diagnosis of auditory neuropathy, Functional Hearing Loss, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Tinnitus.